Going down to the wire for sure. We added a small sound bite to the end of the entrance which will be a cue for the door operator to open the door to zone 2. One advantage to wood framing is that you can mount things like sound boards and speakers just about anywhere. In the video you can see how we mounted a small sound board high up on the wall so the sound appears to come down from there when you're inside. You can also control power to different effects using a simple switch that has a female plug for your device and a male plug on the other side to connect to your outlet (top image).
Ah yes, the vortex. Perhaps some are wondering if it's still on. Well yes, so far it is. We have the wheels mounted, and a fully operational gear motor with a switch. I realized not too long ago that the only way we can do this is to assemble it once outside where it needs to go and keep it out there. Because of that, we had to get a 10 x20 canopy to weatherproof it. No way around it. We're in New England and we don't want the hoops to warp. Anyway, we're expecting to start building this week once the canopy arrives!
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