Halloween 7/24/365

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 58- Map room ceiling

Yikes! September already! We've fallen behind some , so I am hoping that with the holiday weekend I can 'bring it' and get back on track. This is a start right here with the map room ceiling done. This took a bit of engineering to pull off as there weren't many options to place the ceiling in a way that wouldn't interfere with the crush wall! I used a 2x2 frame with foam board screwed into it. I had to add an additional 2x2 to the crush wall frame so the ceiling struts could be placed just above the top of the crush wall. The second image is the view from above the room ceiling. I think you can see what I mean! I added some strips of sheeting to hide the pulleys and rope. On one end they attach directly to the crush wall and the other end to the opposite wall so that when the wall moves the sheet compresses like an accordion. No one can see the pulley mechanism behind that! You can see the slot in the ceiling where the corpse will move with the wall. The total distance of wall movement is about 3 -4 feet.

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