Now 1 month into it, we achieved almost all of our goals to this point. Today we finished framing for the cave or zone 3 and all of the hoop plywood has been waterproofed and will be ready for assembly when I return in 10 days. The images below show the framing details for the cave. Most of this room will have low traffic as the actor stands in the back corner and walks forward to surprise the guests, then they will turn to head down the next hall. Therefore we have just 2x2's framing this section mainly for form. Slight irregularity will enhance the cave effect. The vortex hoop segments are also shown here in the top image coated with Thompson's water seal. That's all we're going to do. There are 16 of these segments to a hoop and they are bolted together in overlapping fashion. The bolt holes have already been machined as you can see in the second image from the top.

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